If you want to buy a property in the French Riviera, you have definitely come to the right place! We offer a free one hour consultation which covers all aspects of buying on the Riviera, which can be scheduled at your convenience.

The valuable information we will share includes but is not limited to:

  • Review of your project details and feasibility study;
  • Explaining the French Riviera real estate market;
  • The steps involved in an acquisition or in a rent- and-buy process;
  • The overall project cost, including taxes, etc;
  • The specificities of buying in France;
  • Working with Currency Brokers/Transfer of funds
  • Working with Mortgage Brokers
  • What needs to be checked;
  • Investment properties rules & regulations;
  • A presentation of FRH services.

Consultancy can be done on line or at our offices, in Nice.

Book a one hour free consultancy here below. If you cannot find a time slot that matches your agenda or time gap, feel free to send a message at

It’s never to early to start planning for your move to France and we are here to help every step of the way!

Seamless Streamlined Property Journey

Extensive Local
Knowledge Network

Guaranteed Independence & Total Transparency

One Contact,
Zero Hassle

Seamless Streamlined
Property Journey

Extensive Local Knowledge Network

Guaranteed Independence & Total Transparency

One Contact, Zero Hassle


If you are planning to move to France and want to rent a house in the French riviera, book a one hour consultancy with one of our consultants.

In this “how to” consultancy we will tell you all you need to know to secure a rental in the French Riviera without spending extra money! The valuable information we will share includes but is not limited to:

  • Information about the rental market in the French Riviera;
  • The rental journey steps;
  • The three ways to secure a rent;
  • Documents needed for Garantme;
  • What kind of lease you need;
  • What to check in your lease;
  • How to do the inventory;
  • How to transfer utilities;
  • How to insure your apartment;
  • Documents required to set up a French bank account;
  • A list of portals ans agencies work with.
  • An incredible Ebook containing all the necessary information to secure your rental

This € 250 consultation is to be paid when booking your appointment.

Consultancy can be done on line or at our offices, in Nice.

Book a one hour consultancy with one of FRH agents here below. If you cannot find a time slot that matches your agenda or time gap, feel free to send a message at

 It’s never to early to start planning for your move to France and we are here to help every step of the way!